

Dwayne and Ron are enjoying the best draught beer south of 23rd Street. But they’re not at a brewery; they’re not even at a bar. The two men find themselves in the basement of Chelsea Market drinking beer from Dickson's Meats.

"Don't get me wrong, I love New York, but the fact that I have to come here to get a good draught beer is terrible," Ron grumbles as he sips his Mexican Lager.
"Yeah, honestly though, the vibe is not as bad as I thought," says Dwayne trying to strike a more optimistic tone. "And this beer is giving me a great buzz."
"That's because good draught beer gives you adrenaline!"
"You have ruined my ability to drink beer in New York. I was so happy to drink a $10 shitty beer."
Ron can’t help but laugh.

"But no, really,” Dwayne keeps going, “why can't bars get it right in New York? How is it so hard to get a good draught beer?"
"Well, it starts with clean lines and changing the kegs often. But businesses here are so concerned with making money and paying the rent that they forget the little things that actually make them the money."
"Cheap fucks." Now it’s Dwayne’s turn to grumble as he sips his Mexican Lager.

"Oh man, I am rollin!"
"What's the play?"
"What's our parlay, Radio?"
"Too far, transition is a buzzkill. That's the one downside of Dickson's, there are no transitions."
"So what am I supposed to do, take this buzz home?"
"Transition is a buzzkill."
"Ughhhhh. I refuse. I'm getting one more."

Dwayne orders one more Mexican Lager. He notices plastic cups on the side of the cash register, and an idea pops into his head. "What if we get these last beers in to-go cups and drink them on the way to Radio?"

"That could work,” ponders Ron. “We take the drinks, get on e-bikes, get to Radio, and grab a smoke."
"The buzz stays intact!"

They repour their beers and proceed up the steps of Chelsea Market to the great outdoors.

"Taking this buzz home? In what world!"