The Seven Sisters

The Seven Sisters

Derek and Angel met the first day of college at freshman orientation. Their dorm rooms were exactly across from each other and they naturally became fast friends. Before long they were best friends and not a day went by where they did not hangout. They joined the same frat, lived in the same housing, attended the same parties, and even had their own nickname. Everyone on campus knew them as DnA (Derek and Angel). They were voted "most likely to still remain friends 10 years later." They did everything together.

On this particular occasion DnA were on a trip to Greneda with another friend, Xi. They met Xi at a party junior year and the three of them got along well together. Xi was a weird dude but he loved the same things Derek and Angel loved: drinking and debauchery. Xi always had a bottle of Belvedere in his fridge. Always. He also had a car, something DnA severely lacked. The car was essential for late night Taco Bell runs. The friendship progressed so fast that in a few weeks Xi had become an honorary member of DnA. They started calling themselves DnAX. It was a working title. Having gotten swept up in the charismatic tornado that was DnA, Xi offered a trip to Greneda for spring break.

"Aww man wish we could, but we just don't have the money," said DnA. Their financial situations were always identical.
"Don't worry about it, we can stay with my parents," said Xi.
"Where are they staying?"
"On our yacht."
"Yeah, during the winter they like to go to the Caribbean on the weekends. The yacht stays in the Caribbean and they fly down from New York and meet it wherever it is. During our spring break its going to be in Grenada."
"Well, we still cant afford the plane tickets."
"Oh they'll pick us up."
"Who'll pick us up?"
"My parents."
"On what?"
"On our jet."
"Dude, are you like rich?"

And the next thing they knew they were on a private jet off to Grenada for spring break. Private jets are exactly like other planes except that they are better in everyway. You leave when you want, you pick the meals, you can lay down, you can drink as much as you want, and you don't even have to wear you're seatbelts. Oh and the air hostesses are hot. DnA were doing their best to contain their excitement and act like they had been there.

They were joined on the plane by Xi's parents. Xi's father was a wildly successful hedge fund guy and his mother was an animal rights activist. Obviously. They were also joined by another one of Xi's friends, Jeff. Now if Xi was weird, Jeff was from another planet. No one knew what Jeff did. He didn't even drink that much. All he liked to do was talk about his love for mathematics and his love for working out. He solved math problems in his spare time. He was also jacked. You weren't exactly scared of him, you just wondered if his legs would ever catch up to his arms. He was very top heavy.

When they landed in Grenada, the group was escorted into cabs and then into boats. Then they were on the yacht. It was massive. They were immediately met by the captain and the co-ed staff. It was like an episode of Below Deck but everyone was hotter. What was most surprising was that men were hotter than the women. Life at sea must really keep you in great shape. The yacht was big enough for everyone to have their own room. DnA did not even have to share a room. They had dinner, had some drinks, and went to bed.

The next day, after a couple rounds on the Jet Skis (no yacht is complete without a pair of Jet Skis), Xi, Jeff, and DnA set out to explore the great island of Grenada. Their first stop that was a hike called "The Seven Sisters." When they got out of the car they were met by a man named Supafly. He was a tour guide and an expert of "The Seven Sisters." As they approached the base of the hill, they looked up and saw something that was unimaginable. Five waterfalls, one on top of the other all connected by the same stream of water. There were actually seven waterfalls total, hence "The Seven Sisters," but you could not see the other two.

"Ok, now who wants to jump from those waterfalls?" asked Supafly.
"What?" asked DnAX.
"No thanks," said Jeff. Classic Jeff.
"You can climb to the top and jump from each one of the waterfalls into pools of water. I've done it many times," said Supafly.
"Is it dangerous?" asked Angel.
"No one has ever died," replied Supafly.
"Ok I'm in," said Xi."I'm in too," said Derek, never to be out done.
"Umm I'll do the climb with you guys, but I don't think I'm going to do the jump," said Angel, staying true to his commitment issues.
"Ok lets go," said Supafly with a smile. Supafly was very cool .

Angel looked at Jeff and asked "Why don't you just take the hike up like me?"
"No thanks," said Jeff. Classic Jeff.

The hike was much less of a hike and much more of a climb. The hill was steep and the only way to move forward was to grab on the rocks and branches and pull yourself up. Two minutes into the "hike" and it was clear to Angel that he would not be able to come back down the way he had come up. It was too steep.

"How do I go back down?" asked Angel.
"You jump," said Supafly with a smile.
Angel started to panic.
"Ease up bro, I'm doing the jumps too. If we die, we die together," said Derek.
"But my girlfriend is way hotter, I don't want to die yet," said Angel. They all laughed and continued their climb.

At the top they looked down at the first waterfall. Angel was still looking for a way back the way they came but there was no way down. He had to jump. The view was beautiful from the top but Angel was too busy praying to his gods to enjoy it.

"Ok for the first jump, you have to jump out. There are rocks at the bottom so you can't jump straight down. Its only about 15 feet though so its not a long way down," said Supafly. And then he jumped and landed in the pool below.
"You guys are such pussies!" said Xi as threw up two middle fingers and jumped and landed in the pool.
"You're not a pussy Angel, you're my best friend," said Derek as he smiled. He jumped and landed in the pool.

Angel looked out at the other three swimming in the pool below and then looked at the rocks right below him. The difference between life and death. Or at least the difference between life and serious injury. He closed his eyes, prayed, opened his eyes, and jumped out as far as he could.