The Circle of Life

The Circle of Life

Justin is back at the bar to spend any time he can with his long-standing, long-shot, impossible odds, bartender crush.

"I just don't know what's been going on, I've had a lot of anxiety lately and it's just super hard for me to focus," says Willa from behind the bar.
"Oh dear, is there anything I can do to help? A shoulder massage perhaps?"
"No thanks, maybe another time."
"If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know. Anything at all, I mean it."
"Well....would you happen to have any Xanax?"
"I don't but I will ask around. You can count on me!"

The next day Justin calls his good friend Brett.

"Yo, got any Xanax?"
"No, who's it for?"
"My friend Willa."
"Haaa, friend my ass! You still haven't made a move on her?! It's been 2 years!"
"It's a slow burn. Every week she's getting closer and closer to realizing the truth."
"And what truth is that?"
"That I am the perfect guy for her."
"Doesn't she have a boyfriend?"
"Ugh, he's totally wrong for her! Anyway, do you have some or not?"
"I'll see what I can do."

Later that day Brett invites Amanda into his office.

"Amanda, do you know why I called you in?"
"I'm so embarrassed! To get caught with drugs in the workplace, oh the humanity!"
"Yes, this is a serious offense of the highest order! Can you just imagine the horror when I found out one of my employees was addicted to Xanax?! For shame!"
"I know boss! Please don't fire me, this is the best job I have ever had!"
"Don't worry Amanda, I'm not going to fire you. Why don't we call this a warning?"
"Really?! Oh, you really are the best boss in the world!"
"Yes, of course, everyone makes mistakes. I will, however, be confiscating the drugs. I believe it is for the best. I hope you can see I'm just trying to help you."
"Yes, boss, whatever you say."

A few days later, Brett gives what had been Amanda’s Xanax to Justin who speedily runs to the bar to give it to Willa.

"I have a surprise for you Willa!"
"Oh my, whatever could it be?"
"Hold out your hands!"

He gives it to her.

"Justin! Thank you so much!"

She runs around the bar to hug him.

"My hero!"
"Anything for you Willa."

Later that evening after Justin has left, Willa’s friend walks into the bar.

"You won't believe it, I scored some Xanax!"
"What! No way! How?"
"One of my regulars got me some."
"Oh, the guy who is in love with you?"
"Yayyyyy! Nom nom nom."
“Take it easy, Amanda, we can have some after my shift.”