The 100 (a freewrite)

The 100 (a freewrite)

100 short stories! We did it! A year ago when I started this experiment called froginablog, I had no idea what it would become. That's the thing about starting something new; anything is possible. Along the way, we have picked up new team members, subscribers, fans, stans, groupies, the works.

Don Smocky is taking over!

I'm joking, of course (I’m really not).

But I want to take this opportunity, on my 100th post, to thank all of you readers for taking the time out of your very busy lives to read my work. It warms my heart, and it means the world to me. It is a part of what drives me to keep writing and publishing consistently. I love you all, even when I am making fun of you. 

I'm kidding, of course (I’m really not).

As we embark on this new year*, it is important to go back and reflect on the year that we just witnessed. Wars started, Lebron won another title (it counts)**, inflation was everywhere, and, of course, Taylor Swift. 2023 will always be remembered as the year of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce, funny because it is oh so close to 22, one of her best songs.

I hope you all had a prosperous year filled will all the progress, growth, and happiness that one can handle, and for those who didn't, there is always 2024***. 

I realized this early on in the blogging process: although starting this blog was a giant step, it is nothing compared to the work it takes to keep it going on a daily and weekly basis. When I started, I vowed to put out a short story every other day. I used to write such long stories too, of the 10–15-minute variety.

I miss those days, sometimes.

Over time we have refined that approach. We now write shorter, more concise stories that get right to the point. Stories designed to entertain and provoke thought. I hope I accomplish that with each story.

I say “we” because over the last year, I have added an editor to the team and I am eternally grateful that I did.

Don't worry he gets paid very well****.

My instructions to him were simple. If my story is good, make it great. If it sucks make it good. I believe so far he has done that, and I am very grateful for him. He will be getting a very nice bonus this year.

I'm kidding of course, not really, kind of, undecided.

As the calendar turns to 2024***** there is only one thing on my mind: growth. Now I know what you’re thinking: Don, you hate marketing! You hate all those self-promoting virtue signalers who are all flash and no substance. You hate social media! And you are right, I do. But I have learned a valuable lesson over time. When you don't like doing something, hire someone else to do it. And that is what I have done, we now have a chief marketing officer at froginablog!


Big things are happening here!

I firmly believe that we have stories worth reading here and we have a process that will continue to put out another hundred stories in 2024. And we owe it to the world to share. So, for that reason, we will be moving our blog to Substack(at some point within the coming months). We are taking our product to market. For the current subscribers, this changes very little as Substack allows me to import our existing email list. But it will put the blog in a much bigger market where the chance of adding new subscribers is higher.

We are also increasing our social media presence. The marketing gal made me do it! You can follow us on Instagram @froginablog and on Twitter @donsmocky12012******. You can also email us with any comments or concerns at We want to hear from you!

Each and every one of you is a big part of what makes this blog tick, so thank you all for your support so far, and I hope you keep on reading and sharing. 

Last year was the year when we figured out what we had to offer. We figured out what kind of stories we wanted to write, and how long they should be. This is the year where we grow! When this small-time blog that no one saw coming takes over and takes its rightful place in our modern-day culture. Big things are coming!

Oh, and we love you!

xoxo Don

Editor’s Notes:

*Dude, it’s February…

**It really doesn’t

***11/12 of 2024


*****2024 February

******I guess @donsmocky12011 was taken