

It was a random Tuesday on the prop trading floor. A second-year trader went up to one of the veteran traders as he was sitting at his desk, minding his own business.

"Hey man, have you heard about this Pepecoin?" asked the novice trader.
"Yeah, I think so. What's up?" responded the veteran trader.
"Man, I think it could be the real deal. I'm thinking of putting a lot of money into it, what do you think?"
"Is crypto in a bull market?"
"Yeah, for sure. Bitcoin is up a lot this year and so are a bunch of the other coins."
"That's a good start."
"So, you think I should do it?"
"I don't know. Seems like a pump and dump."
"No way man, I've been reading a lot about it. It has so much potential, they have this technology that is going to change the game. I think it's here to stay and right now, it's less than a dollar! I mean bitcoin is at $30,000! This feels like a ca n’t-miss opportunity."
"How long has Pepecoin been around?"
"It came out two weeks ago."
"How long has Bitcoin been around for?"
"...15 years."
"You see the difference?"
"So, who is to say Pepecoin won’t be Bitcoin in 15 years?"
"It's possible, but what's your out?"
"What does that mean?"
"Where are you going to sell it if the investment doesn't go your way?"
"Uhhhh…I wasn't really planning on selling it. It either goes to the moon or it doesn't."
"So why buy it now?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, if it's going to go to the moon, theoretically, you should have a lot of time to buy it. There is a lot of space between less than a dollar and the moon, no?"
"Yeah, but it's so cheap now!"
"What makes you say that?"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"Why do you think it's cheap now?"
"Because it's less than a dollar."
"How do you know that's cheap?"
"Let me ask you a question, what has you so interested in this Pepecoin all of a sudden?"
"Oh, there have been too many headlines. So, I started reading all the articles. Some dude bought it super cheap and made 10 million dollars in it. Can you believe it?!"
"Sounds like he bought it cheap."
"Yeah, but it could still be cheap."
"Why don't you wait a little bit, and see if the price stabilizes a little before buying it?"
"I don't know if I will be able to get this good of a price later. It was down 50% yesterday."
"Yeah, it's so cheap!"
"And you want to buy it?"
"Yeah obviously! It's so cheap!"
"But I thought it was the future, why is it down 50%?"
"Think it's just a lot of stop losses getting triggered. The price should rebound quickly."
"So why don't you buy it when it rebounds?"
"Because think of how much more I can make if I buy it here!"