No Time for Love (chapter 2)

No Time for Love (chapter 2)

Raj finds himself at a nightclub with his friends. He’s not normally one for nightclubs, but when a friend throws a birthday party and overcompensates by buying a table, well, Raj would be stupid to not attend. After all, he's not the one footing the bill.

But he is bored. There is only so much a man can talk about with other men. Money and women, that's pretty much it. Money doesn't interest Raj, but women...women do. But he'd rather talk to women than about them.

He steps away from the gaggle of bros and steps down to the dancefloor. It's packed, but it seems as if the whole dancefloor is dancing around one woman. He muscles his way through the crowd to see who it is. He can't believe his eyes.

He hasn't spoken with Megna since that day at Tamarind, but there she is dancing, laughing with friends. He schmoozes close to her until she recognizes him.

"Raj!" she says as she flies into his arms.

"Of all the nightclubs in the world, you had to dance in this one."
"Wow, you smell good Raj." she is snuggled up real close to him.
"You seem quite happy to see me."
"Don't be rude Raj, I'm drunk!"

"Ah, and there it is."
"And there what is?"
"The excuse to be all over me."

She backs off.

"Like you don't want it. Buy me a drink."

Instead of bringing her back to the table, he walks her to the communal bar.

"So, how have you been?" he asks while they wait for their drinks.
"Oh ya know, living the life. How are you?"
"Eh, about the same."

"So do we just bang it out now?"

She can't stop laughing.

"Remember when you said that in broad daylight! What a player you are. 'Do we just bang it out?'" she mocks him.
"I mean......not no."

They get their drinks.

"I haven't been able to forget about you, forget that day, you're stuck in my head," he openly admits.
"Then why haven't you texted me back?"
"I don't know if I agree to your terms."

She presses up against him at the bar. Her face is an inch away from his. His instincts say kiss her, but his brain says hold off; she's not kissing in the nightclub type.

His instincts win out.

To him, it appears that the music has slowed down. He hears it clearer. It's an exploratory kiss. How do you kiss someone you'd never thought you'd kiss? You just do what you do. All he feels is her, all he hears is the music, slower and clearer. At that moment, there is nothing else but him and her. His lips and hers. His tongue and hers. As it should be.

"Where do you live?" she asks.
"Midtown. West side."

"Take me."
"Take me before I change my mind."

He doesn't waste time. They leave their drinks and get their coats. Once outside, he hails a cab, and within seconds. Their lips are inseparable throughout the ride.

"Don't you think we should talk about this?" he asks as she takes off her shoes.
"What's the point in talking, guys like you aren't made for talking."

He doesn't say another word. She jumps on him, and he carries her to the bedroom.