A Tail of Two Cities

A Tail of Two Cities

"Hey, I love your dress," said Ravi.
"Oh, thank you so much! That's very nice of you," replied Stacy.
"You're very welcome, it's so vibrant, love all the colors."
"I love colors! It's my birthday tomorrow!"
"Oh, Happy Birthday! So we're celebrating the whole weekend?"
"Awesome, are you from Boston?"
"Yeah, north of the city. How about you?"
"No, I'm from New York."
"Oh, what brings you here?"
"I'm actually here for a bachelor party." He couldn't help but laugh.
"In Boston?"
"Yeah, I know. My friends are extra special."
"Well, that's still fun!"
"It's....something. So, is this the place to be?"
"Oh yeah, this is the best club in Boston."
"Really? Well, I guess I'm in the right place then."
"Shall we get a birthday drink?"
"Yes!" They made their way over to the bar.
"Two shots of tequila please," said Ravi to the bartender.
"I love tequila!" said Stacy.
"Who doesn't?" The bartender put out two shots, two limes, and a tray of salt. They both took the shot glasses in their hand. "To you and your 23rd birthday?"
"Ummmm.....19th actually." Stacy laughed.

"Hey," said Ravi.
"Hey!" replied Shruti.
"Yeah, you?"
"That's convenient."
"That's one word for it." Shruti laughed. "Live in the States?"
"Yeah, New York. You?"
"Northern California, but I go to San Diego State."
"So you're.....20?"
"19." She laughed.
"How old are you?"
"I would've guessed mid-twenties."
"I would've guessed 23."
"Are you saying I look old?"
"I'm saying you should be 23. I love San Diego though."
"Oh yeah, me too! You've been?"
"Many times, I want to die in San Diego."
"You're not that old." Ravi laughed.
"I want to retire there."
"Easy grandpa, you've got a lot of life left." He laughed again.
"You're a fun one."
"So, why are you in Amsterdam?"
"Have a wedding in France next week, decided to make a Euro trip out of it. You?"
"I've been in Europe since May, one of my friends from college is from here so I decided to visit her. She's right there." She pointed to a shorter blonde woman.
"Ah, okay."
"You're here with people too?"
"Yeah, you see those two bros?" He pointed to two tall men. "Their mine."
"Awwww, boys' trip!"
"Yes, they're going to the wedding too."
"That's cute." There was a pause.
"You want to do a shot?"
"Yes!" They made their way to the bar.

"Since when do they let 19-year-olds drink?" asked Ravi. He still had the shot glass in his hand.
"Shhhhh. The bartender is right there. Cheers!" replied Stacy. They clinked glasses, did their shots, and walked away from the bar. "All my friends come here. They're very lenient with IDs."
"I just love it here! The music is so good and there is so much space. I love clubs! Don't you?"
"Ummm.....not exactly."
"What! Why not?"
"Eh, I don't get the hype."
"It's fun! Don't you dance?"
"Oh I love dancing, don't get me wrong. But the music here is unbelievably loud."
"Oh come on! Let's dance!"
"Yes!" She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the dance floor.

"Can I get two shots of tequila?" said Ravi to the bartender.
"Sure," replied the bartender. Shruti's friend walked over.
"This is Eline," said Shruti.
"Hi Eline, I'm Ravi," said Ravi as he extended his hand.
"Hi!" replied Eline. They shook hands.
"So that's your name, I'm Shruti," said Shruti with a smirk.
"Make that three shots of tequila," said Ravi to the bartender.
"Oh I love tequila!" said Eline.
"Told you, this guy's cool, even for an old guy," said Shruti. Ravi smiled a little.
"Don't mind her, she gets off on being the young, hot one. I'm 25," said Eline.
"Finally, an adult," said Ravi.
"Asshole," said Shruti. Ravi laughed. He turned around to pay for the shots. Shruti and Eline huddled to have a conversation amongst themselves. When Ravi turned back round Eline had stepped a little bit off to the side.
"So, do you, like, want to go make out somewhere?"
"Hmmm.....can we do the shots first?"

"Is it just me or is everyone staring at us," asked Ravi. He and Stacy were on the dance floor. Stacy was grinding on him.
"Oh don't mind them. They all know me," replied Stacy.
"Friends of yours?"
"Kind of. We all go to school together."
"Touch me." She took both of his hands and put them on her waist. She tilted her head back so that her face was grazing his neck.

"No, not here! Let's go sit somewhere quiet," said Shruti. They walked to the tables across the bar.
"How about there?" asked Ravi pointing to a booth.
"Perfect!" They walked to the booth.
"Cool." The second they got there, Ravi put his hands on her waist, turned her around, and pulled her in. They kissed.

"Hey, I don't really feel like dancing right now. I'm going to go check up on my friends," said Ravi.
"Ummm okay, I'm going to stay here," replied Stacy.
"Cool, I'll catch you later."
"Okay, I'll come find you."
"Cool." He left the dance floor.

"Hey, weird question, do you want to go on a walk maybe?" asked Ravi as he pulled back from the make-out.
"Yeah, sure," replied Shruti. They got up from the booth and started walking out of the bar.
"It's gorgeous outside."
"It really is. I like you, you know."
"Yes, why, do you not like me?"
"You know I do." He stopped and kissed her. They started walking away from the bar.
"Good. Don't you want to tell your friends that were walking?"
"They'll figure it out."
"Are you always so...mysterious?"
"I have my moments."
"How do you make it seem like you care about nothing? Like nothing bothers you?"
"Practice. What's the point in caring?"
"I've been wondering that myself lately."
"Ah. So, who are you running away from?"
"You've been in Europe for three months. It seems like your dreading going back home, who are you running away from?"
"My life if I'm honest."
"Bad breakup?"
"How do you know everything?"
"It comes with age. You're a beautiful girl, what else would it be?"
"Yeah, I broke up with my boyfriend a month before I came here."
"Why'd you guys break up?"
"I don't know. I just wasn't feeling it anymore. Then we broke up and I missed him. So I came here."
"You want him back?"
"No, I don't love him. But I liked having him around. He did everything for me."
"What about you?"
"What about me?"
"Who are you running away from?"
"Ah, she learns fast."
"Tell me."
"I'm going through a messy divorce of sorts." She stopped walking.
"You're married?"
"No, ex-girlfriend."
"Oh." She resumed walking. "What happened?"
"Sometimes I think I am the worst kind of guy."
"Because I am great right up until the point that someone loves me back. And then I start pulling away."
"I don't know. I really don't. Maybe I like the idea of love more than love itself. Maybe I just don't want to be happy."
"Maybe she just wasn't the one for you."
"It's possible."
"So you're running away from her?"
"No, we're starting to be at peace now."
"She is still in your life?"
"We're trying to be friends."
"You know that's just going to result in a bigger blow-up, right?"
"I'm hoping not. I'm hoping we just grow and progress in our own lives."
"I thought you were the wiser one." He laughed.
"We're all still figuring this shit out."
"So what are you going to do when you get back? Aren't you going to see him again?"
"No, I cut him out."
"Yeah, now I'm into older men with beards." She smiled.
"So I just fit the stereotype?"
"I'll take it. We've walked full circle, there's the bar."
"Can we sit for a minute? I'm not done with you."

"There you are! Hey stranger," said Stacy. Ravi was standing by the bar, aimlessly.
"Hey, have a good time dancing?" asked Ravi.
"Eh, not so much since you left. Why'd you leave?"
"I don't know. Just find myself a bit tired."
"Oh come on, you're at a bachelor party! Aren't you supposed to be going wild?"
"I don't have the wild in me right now, I'm actually pretty beat."
"Well, my friends and I are going to another party if you wanted to join us?"
"Uhhh, I appreciate the invite but I think I'm going to go back and crash."
"What? Don't you like me?"
"It's not that, you are a beautiful girl. But....."
"What? Tell me."
"Do you really want to know?"
"You're just too young."
"Oh...I thought guys liked that."
"Sometimes. Some guys for sure. But I think for me it might be a bridge too far."

"So what happens now?" asked Ravi. They were back at the bar.
"I don't know. I think I go home with my friends and you go home with yours," replied Shruti.
"Yup, that sounds about right. Can I have your number? Maybe I'll shoot you a message when we're back stateside."
"Why don't I take yours?"
"Works for me." They exchanged numbers.